There was a time not too long ago when the only option for buying a new BBQ was to drive to the store, check out the prices, drive to another store and compare those prices, and then lug the BBQ of your choice into your car (provided you have a car) to take home with
Read MoreThere are a few things the average internet buyer values: they value low prices, a simple, streamlined experience, and some transparency on the part of the seller. Together these make for a healthy vendor/buyer relationship, and can help an ecommerce store build up a loyal customer base. But they can often be difficult things for
Read MoreDear Valued Customer, UPS® continues to see shifts in the market based on consumer buying patterns and the increased availability of many different products online. To ensure that our network continues to operate effectively for customers like you, packages tendered to us that exceed our Over Maximum Limits or fall within the Oversize Pallet definition will realize
Read MoreYes, sometimes shipping rates can seem arbitrary – even the inexpensive courier services from netParcel – but there’s actually a lot that goes into determining the cost to ship a package. A main factor in the cost of shipping is what is known as “billable weight”, which you can determine by calculating the dimensional weight
Read MoreLast year, UPS released what it called its “Pulse of the Shopper Study”, a comprehensive overview of the contemporary online shopper – what they value in the ecommerce experience, as well as emerging trends, habits and growth areas. Its findings bore two unequivocal messages important to any Canadian online business: 1) that, increasingly, shoppers are
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